White Chocolate Mousse with Pumpkin Gelato, Chocolate Triangles.
The pumpkin gelato was heavenly! Unfortunately, the picture came out a little bit darker than I would've liked. Authentic gelato only uses whole milk (so says Wiki), so maybe this isn't a real gelato so much as it is a really creamy ice cream.
Also, for a better mousse, use whipped egg whites instead of whipped cream. The cream is heavier, and results in a product that resembles a smooth cheesecake rather than a mousse.
Pumpkin Gelato
- 1 cup whole milk
- 3/4 cup sugar
- 1/2 can of Libby's Pumpkin puree (or bake your own pumpkin)
- 2 cups heavy cream
- 3-4 egg yolks
- All-spice
- dash of salt
- Combine the heavy cream, milk, and 1/4 cup of sugar.
- In a separate bowl, whisk the egg yolks and sugar together, until it achieves a mayonnaise-like texture.
- Heat the heavy cream mixture, until it simmers and forms bubbles on the edges. DO NOT BOIL!
- Add the heated heavy cream mixture into the egg yolk/sugar paste, in increments, whisking continuously. You must whisk continuously, and add in gradations, or else the eggs will curdle.
- Return the heavy cream/egg mixture back to the pot, and continue to simmer. Add in the remaining ingredients; pumpkin, all spice, rest of the sugar.
- Continue to whisk until the eggs start to thicken. DO NOT overcook the eggs, or else they will curdle. Whisking is very important.
- Remove from heat immediately, and cool off in an ice water bath.
- Refrigerate for ~ 1 hour.
- Add into ice cream machine (I use a Cuisinart ICE-30BC automatic ice cream maker.)
- Churn for ~ 20 minutes, then freeze overnight.
- Thaw in refrigerator before use.
- Dark or white chocolate, preferably 50% caocao content or higher.
- Heat chocolate in a bowl placed in a water bath, or in a double boiler. Never heat directly in a pot, as the chocolate will burn.
- Heat until melted, then smoothe out onto wax paper.
- Refrigerate until semi-hard.
- Cut into shapes, or use a knife to make curls.
- Refrigerate to harden, keep for future use.
- 2 large egg yolks
- 1 cups milk
- 1/6 cup sugar
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 1/2 envelope unflavored gelatin
- 4 oz. of chocolate
- vanilla extract
- 1 cup heavy cream
Makes about 6 x 6 oz. ramekins, or 12 mini-cheesecake sizes. Real mousse recipes use uncooked beaten egg whites instead of heavy/whipping cream, but to avoid salmonella, I will just use this slightly less tasty method.
- Whisk together egg yolks, milk, sugar, and salt until blended.
- Sprinkle gelatin over mixture, and let stand ~ 2 minutes. Add in chopped chocolate.
- Cook over low heat ~ 15 minutes until mixture thickens (like the gelato recipe).
- Add in vanilla; chocolate should be completely melted.
- Remove from heat, let cool, and refrigerate ~ 2 hours.
- Whip the heavy cream with a mixer until stiff peaks form. Fold into the cooled mousse mixture.
- Pour into containers, and let sit overnight to harden.
The final product!